Wilmington, North Carolina
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Sells mostly:
67% Household
17% Baby & Kids
17% Everything Else
About Bookoo Fan:
Treasures at Haven
We are a thrift store located on the corner of 16th st. & Dock st. Wilmington, NC. 100% of our proceeds are donated to Haven Ministries' new construction for the Pregnant Women/children's Shelter. We have EVERYTHING from women, men, and children clothes/shoes, furniture, kitchenware, Electronics, crafts/furniture from local artist, jewelry, books, toys etc. There is also a coffee shop located inside the store, that sales snacks (candy,chips,pastries etc), coffee, sodas & juices. And again all of its proceeds go to the Women's shelter. The thrift store hours are: Mon-Sat 9am-5pm. Coffee shop hours: Mon-Sat 9am-3pm.
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In Wilmington, 4 days ago

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